December 2, 2009

I'm failing,

at blogging already.
So much going on.

I'll apologise here and now for this post, I'm spaced out from painkillers.
Dental procedures are fuuuuuuun!

Seriously though, the past few weeks...mental.
Exams, work, exams, work, exams.
Went partaying friday night, which was great - but then was up at 9 for work again.
And all the shit that's going on, eurgh.

Ahh well.
We'll see how things pan out.

Throw away, yesterday,
today is a brand new day...

And well, I saw someone today who absolutely made my day.
Just talking to them for 5 minutes banished all my horrible feelings.

So I think I'll be seeing them again (:

November 18, 2009



Yeah uhh, I'm not excited >.>

Thought I should probably post again, otherwise I'll do the typical me and forget about it.
Nothing much notable to say.

Did receive some news on sunday that wasn't nice;
My great-grandmothers husband, who she married not 6 months ago, has advanced stage liver and kidney cancer.
He's being fed through a tube to the stomach :|

What struck me was that it's been said that lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice.
Well, in this case, the proverbial lightning has struck in the same place more times than I'd like to count.
Not only did my great-grandfather die of prostate cancer, but also my grandfather.
Watching someone you love waste away is the worst possible thing anyone could go through.
But she's a beautiful woman, and she'll take it with good grace.


Also had two of my best friends crying on my shoulder today. Can't say that was enjoyable. They're strong guys, they'll make it through.
But I really can't stand seeing people I love in that much pain.
At least I can attempt to help, I suppose.

With that thought I shall bid you goodnight (:

November 14, 2009

Wind me up and watch me run.

How you got under my skin, I don't know.

You took me for granted
You took me, you took me for granted
But I landed back on my feet, back on
My feet
Cos you don't deserve me, deserve me
You don't have the time that I need
That I want, I deserve
But I got back my nerve
Did what was right for me
I'm using my head not my heart
And I'm starting anew
I'm going to get over you, over you.

Just watch me.

New beginnings are everything.

So, I was reading someone else's blog the other day. I've never blogged myself, it'd never really occured to me. There are books hidden around the place with scribbles and lyrics, but never anything sensical.
So don't expect too much!

I've decided to be anonymous for several reasons:
1) I always say too much, and people get hurt.
2) I'll probably sound like an over-emotional, soppy teenager most of the time.
And yeah.

Expect lots of lyrics, and pretty pictures.
I'm that kind of girl (:

Currently listening to Death Cab for Cutie, and Sia a lot.
These would have to be my pick.

We're not the same, dear, as we used to be. The seasons have changed and so have we.
There was little we could say, and even less we could do, to stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you.

And it saddens me to say,
But we both know, well, it's true.

Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,
Yeah I think that I might break
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe.

There's so much I want to write, but I'm it won't seem to come.
I suppose I'll wait and see what people think.
Do let me know.

I'm new to this, and I know it shows.

Feedback would be nice (: